Dilution |
Publication |
38959894 | 1:1000 | Torres-Berrío, A, et al. 2024. Mono-methylation of lysine 27 at histone 3 confers lifelong susceptibility to stress. Neuron, 0. |
38944834 | 1:2000 | Henderson, F, et al. 2024. Regulation of stress-induced sleep perturbations by dorsal raphe VGLUT3 neurons in male mice. Cell reports, 114411. |
38942014 | 1:500 | Scott-Hewitt, N, et al. 2024. Microglial-derived C1q integrates into neuronal ribonucleoprotein complexes and impacts protein homeostasis in the aging brain. Cell, 0. |
38936365 | 1:1000 | Leung, BK, et al. 2024. A ventral pallidal-thalamocortical circuit mediates the cognitive control of instrumental action. Current biology : CB, 0. |
38924416 | 1:500 | Berasain, L, et al. 2024. Accelerated evolution in the human lineage led to gain and loss of transcriptional enhancers in the RBFOX1 locus. Science advances, eadl1049. |
38918041 | 1:500 | Rodríguez-Prieto, Á, et al. 2024. Nrg1 intracellular signaling regulates the development of interhemispheric callosal axons in mice. Life science alliance, 0. |
38898273 | 1:500 | Qi, L, et al. 2024. Krause corpuscles are genital vibrotactile sensors for sexual behaviours. Nature, 926-934. |
38890340 | 1:1000 | Bielefeld, P, et al. 2024. Traumatic brain injury promotes neurogenesis at the cost of astrogliogenesis in the adult hippocampus of male mice. Nature communications, 5222. |
38884422 | 1:1000 | Zhang, X, et al. 2024. The astrocyte-enriched gene deathstar plays a crucial role in the development, locomotion, and lifespan of D. melanogaster. Fly, 2368336. |
38870929 | not listed | Garcia-Garcia, MG, et al. 2024. A cerebellar granule cell-climbing fiber computation to learn to track long time intervals. Neuron, 0. |
38870008 | not listed | Vuong, LT, et al. 2024. Wg/Wnt-signaling-induced nuclear translocation of β-catenin is attenuated by a β-catenin peptide through its interference with the IFT-A complex. Cell reports, 114362. |
38849524 | 1:1000 | Foerster, S, et al. 2024. Developmental origin of oligodendrocytes determines their function in the adult brain. Nature neuroscience, 0. |
38849523 | 1:2000 | Holl, D, et al. 2024. Distinct origin and region-dependent contribution of stromal fibroblasts to fibrosis following traumatic injury in mice. Nature neuroscience, 0. |
38843332 | 1:2000 | Smith, ACW, et al. 2024. A master regulator of opioid reward in the ventral prefrontal cortex. Science (New York, N.Y.), eadn0886. |
38838158 | 1:3000 | Singh, A, et al. 2024. Gene regulatory landscape of cerebral cortex folding. Science advances, eadn1640. |
38726925 | 1:200 | Becerra Calderon, A, et al. 2024. Angiotensin II Directly Increases Endothelial Calcium and Nitric Oxide in Kidney and Brain Microvessels In Vivo With Reduced Efficacy in Hypertension. Journal of the American Heart Association, e033998. |
38722021 | 1:700 | Forcella, P, et al. 2024. SAFB regulates hippocampal stem cell fate by targeting Drosha to destabilize Nfib mRNA. eLife, 0. |
38822428 | 1:1000 | Plug, BC, et al. 2024. Human post-mortem organotypic brain slice cultures: a tool to study pathomechanisms and test therapies. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 83. |
38788194 | 1:3000 | Sucquart, IE, et al. 2024. Investigating GABA Neuron-Specific Androgen Receptor Knockout in two Hyperandrogenic Models of PCOS. Endocrinology, . |
38779688 | 1:200 | Kumar, R, et al. 2024. Interstitial macrophage phenotypes in Schistosoma-induced pulmonary hypertension. Frontiers in Immunology, 1372957. |
38778027 | 1:1000 | Cauzzo, S, et al. 2024. A modular framework for multi-scale tissue imaging and neuronal segmentation. Nature Communications, 4102. |
38772371 | 1:200 | Wu, M, et al. 2024. Innervation of nociceptor neurons in the spleen promotes germinal center responses and humoral immunity. Cell, . |
38754427 | not listed | Dao, L, et al. 2024. Modeling blood-brain barrier formation and cerebral cavernous malformations in human PSC-derived organoids. Cell Stem Cell, . |
38733583 | not listed | Shrestha, H, et al. 2024. The Janus kinase 1 is critical for pancreatic cancer initiation and progression. Cell Reports, 114202. |
38729764 | 1:1000 | Zhang, X, et al. 2024. Tetrahydrofolate Attenuates Cognitive Impairment after Hemorrhagic Stroke by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis via PTEN Signaling. eNeuro, . |
38717903 | 1:1000 | Donovan, EJ, et al. 2024. Dendrite architecture determines mitochondrial distribution patterns in vivo. Cell Reports, 114190. |
38713825 | not listed | Pan, X, et al. 2024. Actomyosin-II protects axons from degeneration induced by mild mechanical stress. The Journal of Cell Biology, . |
38710338 | 1:1000 | Fioriti, F, et al. 2024. Bacterial peptidoglycan serves as a critical modulator of the gut-immune-brain axis in Drosophila. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 878-897. |
38697111 | not listed | Lin, L, et al. 2024. Epistatic interactions between NMD and TRP53 control progenitor cell maintenance and brain size. Neuron, . |
38684665 | 1:200 | Cardeira-da-Silva, J, et al. 2024. Antigen presentation plays positive roles in the regenerative response to cardiac injury in zebrafish. Nature Communications, 3637. |
38678557 | 1:1000 | Buchan, MJ, et al. 2024. Higher-order thalamocortical circuits are specified by embryonic cortical progenitor types in the mouse brain. Cell Reports, 114157. |
38672522 | 1:200 | Furuno, K, et al. 2024. Transduction and Genome Editing of the Heart with Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors Loaded onto Electrospun Polydioxanone Nonwoven Fabrics. Biomolecules, 0. |
38657057 | 1:1000 | Rein, B, et al. 2024. MDMA enhances empathy-like behaviors in mice via 5-HT release in the nucleus accumbens. Science Advances, eadl6554. |
38649521 | 1:500 | Liu, M, et al. 2024. Dietary cysteine and methionine promote peroxisome elevation and fat loss by induction of CG33474 expression in Drosophila adipose tissue. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 190. |
38607918 | 1:1000 | Tamboli, S, et al. 2024. Mouse hippocampal CA1 VIP interneurons detect novelty in the environment and support recognition memory. Cell Reports, 114115. |
38607913 | 1:200 | Sun, J, et al. 2024. ptx3a+ fibroblast/epicardial cells provide a transient macrophage niche to promote heart regeneration. Cell Reports, 114092. |
38597386 | 1:500 | Guerrero-Carrasco, M, et al. 2024. Low-grade systemic inflammation stimulates microglial turnover and accelerates the onset of Alzheimer's-like pathology. Glia, 1340-1355. |
38592453 | 1:250 | Trotter, TN, et al. 2024. Overcoming Xenoantigen Immunity to Enable Cellular Tracking and Gene Regulation with Immune-competent "NoGlow" Mice. Cancer Research Communications, 1050-1062. |
38589390 | 1:4000 | Gau, YA, et al. 2024. Multicore fiber optic imaging reveals that astrocyte calcium activity in the mouse cerebral cortex is modulated by internal motivational state. Nature Communications, 3039. |
38582915 | 1:1000 | Ferreira, A, et al. 2024. Distinct forms of structural plasticity of adult-born interneuron spines in the mouse olfactory bulb induced by different odor learning paradigms. Communications Biology, 420. |
38582081 | 1:500 | Kochan, SMV, et al. 2024. Enhanced mitochondrial fusion during a critical period of synaptic plasticity in adult-born neurons. Neuron, 0. |
38570687 | 1:200 | Schevenels, G, et al. 2024. A brain-specific angiogenic mechanism enabled by tip cell specialization. Nature, 863-871. |
38570687 | 1:200 | Schevenels, G, et al. 2024. A brain-specific angiogenic mechanism enabled by tip cell specialization. Nature, 863-871. |
38570482 | 1:400 | Koupourtidou, C, et al. 2024. Shared inflammatory glial cell signature after stab wound injury, revealed by spatial, temporal, and cell-type-specific profiling of the murine cerebral cortex. Nature Communications, 2866. |
38569550 | 1:500 | Collins, BC, et al. 2024. Three-dimensional imaging studies in mice identify cellular dynamics of skeletal muscle regeneration. Developmental Cell, 1457-1474. |
38569472 | 1:2000 | Guan, D, et al. 2024. Central inhibition of HDAC6 re-sensitizes leptin signaling during obesity to induce profound weight loss. Cell Metabolism, 857-876.e10. |
38553047 | 1:1000 | Weman, HM, et al. 2024. Spinal glycine receptor alpha 3 cells communicate sensations of chemical itch in hairy skin. The Journal of Neuroscience, 0. |
38548715 | 1:500 | Nagy, GN, et al. 2024. Structure and function of Semaphorin-5A glycosaminoglycan interactions. Nature Communications, 2723. |
38538644 | 1:400 | Vladimirov, N, et al. 2024. Benchtop mesoSPIM: a next-generation open-source light-sheet microscope for cleared samples. Nature Communications, 2679. |
38536915 | 1:1000 | Del-Valle-Anton, L, et al. 2024. Multiple parallel cell lineages in the developing mammalian cerebral cortex. Science Advances, eadn9998. |
38537631 | 1:1000 | Epstein, AA, et al. 2024. Subventricular zone stem cell niche injury is associated with intestinal perforation in preterm infants and predicts future motor impairment. Cell Stem Cell, 0. |
38512868 | 1:1000 | Ruff, CF, et al. 2024. Long-range inhibitory neurons mediate cortical neurovascular coupling. Cell Reports, 113970. |
38490196 | 1:1000 | Escoubas, CC, et al. 2024. Type-I-interferon-responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior. Cell, 0. |
38490196 | 1:1000 | Escoubas, CC, et al. 2024. Type-I-interferon-responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior. Cell, 0. |
38484735 | 1:3000 | Tanimoto, Y, et al. 2024. Transgenic tools targeting the basal ganglia reveal both evolutionary conservation and specialization of neural circuits in zebrafish. Cell Reports, 113916. |
38459070 | 1:4000 | Virga, DM, et al. 2024. Activity-dependent compartmentalization of dendritic mitochondria morphology through local regulation of fusion-fission balance in neurons in vivo. Nature Communications, 2142. |
38454052 | 1:750 | Santos, TB, et al. 2024. Reactivation of encoding ensembles in the prelimbic cortex supports temporal associations. Neuropsychopharmacology, 0. |
38448588 | 5ug/ml | Schappe, MS, et al. 2024. A vagal reflex evoked by airway closure. Nature, 830-838. |
38447890 | 1:3000 | Shibayama, K, et al. 2024. The serotonergic neurons derived from rhombomere 2 are localized in the median raphe and project to the dorsal pallium in zebrafish. Neuroscience Research, 0. |
38447571 | not listed | Li, JJ, et al. 2024. Differentiation route determines the functional outputs of adult megakaryopoiesis. Immunity, 478-494.e6. |
38442714 | not listed | Krontira, AC, et al. 2024. Human cortical neurogenesis is altered via glucocorticoid-mediated regulation of ZBTB16 expression. Neuron, 0. |
38442711 | 1:500 | Qi, L, et al. 2024. A mouse DRG genetic toolkit reveals morphological and physiological diversity of somatosensory neuron subtypes. Cell, 1508-1526.e16. |
38429929 | 1:1000 | Schuster, KH, et al. 2024. ASOs are an effective treatment for disease-associated oligodendrocyte signatures in premanifest and symptomatic SCA3 mice. Molecular Therapy, 0. |
38418648 | 1:1000 | Wang, M, et al. 2024. Morphological diversification and functional maturation of human astrocytes in glia-enriched cortical organoid transplanted in mouse brain. Nature Biotechnology, 0. |
38431221 | 1:200 | De Bortoli, M, et al. 2024. Somatic loss-of-function PIK3R1 and activating non-hotspot PIK3CA mutations associated with Capillary Malformation with Dilated Veins (CMDV). The Journal of investigative dermatology, . |
38421871 | 1:1000 | Chen, H, et al. 2024. The functional and anatomical characterization of three spinal output pathways of the anterolateral tract. Cell reports, 113829. |
38412857 | 1:500 | Wang, C, et al. 2024. Impaired cerebellar plasticity hypersensitizes sensory reflexes in SCN2A-associated ASD. Neuron, . |
38386556 | 1:1000 | Wang, H, et al. 2024. Parallel pathways carrying direction-and orientation-selective retinal signals to layer 4 of the mouse visual cortex. Cell reports, 113830. |
38386552 | 1:500 | Connell, M, et al. 2024. Kin17 regulates proper cortical localization of Miranda in Drosophila neuroblasts by regulating Flfl expression. Cell reports, 113823. |
38381829 | 1:500 | Dong, Y, et al. 2024. Single-cell chromatin profiling reveals genetic programs activating proregenerative states in nonmyocyte cells. Science advances, eadk4694. |
38378693 | 1:500 | Oudhoff, H, et al. 2024. Skeletal muscle regeneration after extensive cryoinjury of caudal myomeres in adult zebrafish. NPJ Regenerative medicine, 8. |
38367510 | 1:1000 | Zhang, X, et al. 2024. Iron/ROS/Itga3 mediated accelerated depletion of hippocampal neural stem cell pool contributes to cognitive impairment after hemorrhagic stroke. Redox biology, 103086. |
38363046 | 1:500 | Mercier, O, et al. 2024. Transient demyelination causes long-term cognitive impairment, myelin alteration and network synchrony defects. Glia, 960-981. |
38355299 | 1:6000 | Janowitz, HN, et al. 2024. Chronic Treatment with Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors Does Not Affect Regrowth of Serotonin Axons Following Amphetamine Injury in the Mouse Forebrain. eNeuro, . |
38349791 | not listed | Toda, T, et al. 2024. Long interspersed nuclear elements safeguard neural progenitors from precocious differentiation. Cell reports, 113774. |
38339065 | 1:500 | Islam, R, et al. 2024. Inhibition of Apoptosis in a Model of Ischemic Stroke Leads to Enhanced Cell Survival, Endogenous Neural Precursor Cell Activation and Improved Functional Outcomes. International journal of molecular sciences, . |
38309627 | 1:500 | Long, DM, et al. 2024. The amyloid precursor protein intracellular domain induces sleep disruptions and its nuclear localization fluctuates in circadian pacemaker neurons in Drosophila and mice. Neurobiology of disease, 106429. |
38309258 | 1:1000 | Lawrence, AR, et al. 2024. Microglia maintain structural integrity during fetal brain morphogenesis. Cell, 962-980.e19. |
38308250 | 1:1000 | Ma, W, et al. 2024. Tmem119 expression is downregulated in a subset of brain metastasis-associated microglia. BMC neuroscience, 6. |
38431842 | not listed | Patel, JC, et al. 2024. GABA co-released from striatal dopamine axons dampens phasic dopamine release through autoregulatory GABAA receptors. Cell reports, 113834. |
38286185 | 1:400 | Peterson, E.A., et al. 2024. Neutrophils facilitate the epicardial regenerative response after zebrafish heart injury. Developmental Biology, 93-106. |
38278860 | 1:1000 | Udagawa, T., et al. 2024. Loss of Pax3 causes reduction of melanocytes in the developing mouse cochlea. Scientific Reports, 2210. |
38278147 | 1:3000 | Amo, R., et al. 2024. Glutamate inputs send prediction error of reward, but not negative value of aversive stimuli, to dopamine neurons. Neuron, . |
38271182 | 1:1000 | Dankner, M., et al. 2024. Invasive growth of brain metastases is linked to CHI3L1 release from pSTAT3-positive astrocytes. Neuro-Oncology, . |
38242116 | not listed | Ren, W., et al. 2024. Sympathetic nerve-enteroendocrine L cell communication modulates GLP-1 release, brain glucose utilization, and cognitive function. Neuron, . |
38242116 | not listed | Ren, W., et al. 2024. Sympathetic nerve-enteroendocrine L cell communication modulates GLP-1 release, brain glucose utilization, and cognitive function. Neuron, . |
38242086 | 1:1000 | Clarke-Williams, C.J., et al. 2024. Coordinating brain-distributed network activities in memory resistant to extinction. Cell, 409-427.e19. |
38241377 | 1:1000 | Lv, S.S., et al. 2024. Corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons control trigeminal neuralgia-induced anxiodepression via a hippocampus-to-prefrontal circuit. Science Advances, eadj4196. |
38195932 | 1:100 | Kumar, D., et al. 2024. LncRNA Malat1 suppresses pyroptosis and T cell-mediated killing of incipient metastatic cells. Nature Cancer, . |
38194912 | 1:250 | Goddard, E.T., et al. 2024. Immune evasion of dormant disseminated tumor cells is due to their scarcity and can be overcome by T cell immunotherapies. Cancer Cell, 119-134.e12. |
38184289 | 1:250 | Bishop, M., et al. 2024. Brainstem astrocytes regulate breathing and may affect arousal state in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 114457. |
38170771 | 1:1000 | Valerio, P., et al. 2024. Sequential maturation of stimulus-specific adaptation in the mouse lemniscal auditory system. Science Advances, eadi7624. |
38170579 | 1:200 | Matoo, S, et al. 2024. The microvillar protocadherin CDHR5 associates with EBP50 to promote brush border assembly. Molecular Biology of the Cell, ar36. |
38181792 | not listed | Hamid, A., et al. 2023. The conserved RNA-binding protein Imp is required for the specification and function of olfactory navigation circuitry in Drosophila. Current Biology, 473-488. |
38016471 | 1:1000 | Eshel, N, et al. 2023. Striatal dopamine integrates cost, benefit, and motivation. Neuron, 0. |
38012403 | 1:250 | Gao, X, et al. 2023. Leptin receptor+ cells promote bone marrow innervation and regeneration by synthesizing nerve growth factor. Nature cell biology, 0. |
38001081 | 1:200 | Calatayud-Baselga, I, et al. 2023. Autophagy drives the conversion of developmental neural stem cells to the adult quiescent state. Nature communications, 7541. |
37996531 | 1:1000 | Veerakumar, A, et al. 2023. A brainstem circuit for phonation and volume control in mice. Nature neuroscience, 2122-2130. |
37985778 | 1:1000 | Broersen, R, et al. 2023. Synaptic mechanisms for associative learning in the cerebellar nuclei. Nature communications, 7459. |
37983249 | 1:1000 | Lee, H, et al. 2023. Brn3b regulates the formation of fear-related midbrain circuits and defensive responses to visual threat. PLoS biology, e3002386. |