Anti-CASK Antibody (K56A/50)

Our Anti-CASK mouse monoclonal primary antibody from NeuroMab is produced in-house from hybridoma clone K56A/50. It is KO validated, detects chicken, human, mouse, rat, Xenopus, and zebrafish CASK, and is purified by Protein A chromatography. It is great for use in IHC, ICC, IP, WB.

SKU: 75-000

Volume: 100 µL
1-2 business days
Sale price$319.00

Product Specific References for Applications and Species

Immunocytochemistry: Chicken
PMID Dilution Publication
180721931:50 (supe)Fischer, A.J., et al. 2008. Transient expression of LIM-domain transcription factors is coincident with delayed maturation of photoreceptors in the chicken retina.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 584-603.
Immunocytochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
29426960not listedLaConte, L.E.W., et al. 2018. Two microcephaly-associated novel missense mutations in CASK specifically disrupt the CASK-neurexin interaction. Human Genetics, 231-246.
263457091:500Andrews, R.E., et al. 2015. Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4: interaction with constitutive nitric oxide synthases in human sperm and prostasomes which carry Ca2+/CaM-dependent serine kinase.. Molecular Human Reproduction, 832-43.
Immunocytochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
384726491:100Campos, J., et al. 2024. Liprin-α proteins are master regulators of human presynapse assembly. Nature Neuroscience, .
240110831:50,000Green, J.A., et al. 2013. Whirlin, a cytoskeletal scaffolding protein, stabilizes the paranodal region and axonal cytoskeleton in myelinated axons.. BMC Neuroscience, 96.
Immunocytochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
33037075not listedHan, A.K., et al. 2020. LAR-RPTPs Directly Interact with Neurexins to Coordinate Bidirectional Assembly of Molecular Machineries. Journal of Neuroscience, 8438-8462.
29983322not listedSchroeder, A., et al. 2018. A Modular Organization of LRR Protein-Mediated Synaptic Adhesion Defines Synapse Identity. Neuron, 329-344.e7.
296104571:1000Gao, R., et al. 2018. CNTNAP2 stabilizes interneuron dendritic arbors through CASK.. Mol Psychiatry Journal, .
28533267not listedPinatel, D., et al. 2017. The Kv1-associated molecules TAG-1 and Caspr2 are selectively targeted to the axon initial segment in hippocampal neurons. Journal of Cell Science, 2209-2220.
Immunohistochemistry: Chicken
PMID Dilution Publication
210315601:200Wahlin, K.J., et al. 2010. Alternative splicing of neuroligin and its protein distribution in the outer plexiform layer of the chicken retina.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 4938-62.
Immunohistochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
253527481:400de Andrade, G.B., et al. 2014. Developmentally dynamic colocalization patterns of DSCAM with adhesion and synaptic proteins in the mouse retina.. Molecular Vision, 1422-33.
251765251:400Nuhn, J.S., et al. 2014. Developmental localization of adhesion and scaffolding proteins at the cone synapse. Gene expression patterns, 36-50.
Immunohistochemistry: Non-Human Primate
PMID Dilution Publication
251765251:400Nuhn, J.S., et al. 2014. Developmental localization of adhesion and scaffolding proteins at the cone synapse. Gene expression patterns, 36-50.
Immunohistochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
27364017not listedEichel, C.A., et al. 2016. Lateral Membrane-Specific MAGUK CASK Down-Regulates NaV1.5 Channel in Cardiac Myocytes. Circulation Research, 544-56.
Immunoprecipitation: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
31368584not listedBrouwer, M., et al. 2019. SALM1 controls synapse development by promoting F-actin/PIP2-dependent Neurexin clustering. EMBO Journal, e101289.
293704051:500Bathala, P., et al. 2018. Oviductal extracellular vesicles (oviductosomes, OVS) are conserved in humans: murine OVS play a pivotal role in sperm capacitation and fertility. Molecular Human Reproduction, 143-157.
270158721:100LaConte, L.E.W., et al. 2016. CASK stabilizes neurexin and links it to liprin-α in a neuronal activity-dependent manner. Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 3599-621.
23699388not listedPatel, R., et al. 2013. Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4 in murine epididymis: secretion of splice variants in the luminal fluid and a role in sperm maturation.. Biology of Reproduction, 6.
22020416not listedAravindan, R.G., et al. 2012. CASK interacts with PMCA4b and JAM-A on the mouse sperm flagellum to regulate Ca2+ homeostasis and motility.. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 3138-50.
Western Blot: Chicken
PMID Dilution Publication
210315601:200-1:1000Wahlin, K.J., et al. 2010. Alternative splicing of neuroligin and its protein distribution in the outer plexiform layer of the chicken retina.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 4938-62.
Western Blot: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
375430381:1000Essayan-Perez, S, et al. 2023. Neuronal γ-secretase regulates lipid metabolism, linking cholesterol to synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Neuron, .
29426960not listedLaConte, L.E.W., et al. 2018. Two microcephaly-associated novel missense mutations in CASK specifically disrupt the CASK-neurexin interaction. Human Genetics, 231-246.
263457091:1000Andrews, R.E., et al. 2015. Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4: interaction with constitutive nitric oxide synthases in human sperm and prostasomes which carry Ca2+/CaM-dependent serine kinase.. Molecular Human Reproduction, 832-43.
Western Blot: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
384726491:1000Campos, J., et al. 2024. Liprin-α proteins are master regulators of human presynapse assembly. Nature Neuroscience, .
371900861:1000-1:2000Guo, Q., et al. 2023. Structural Analysis Implicates CASK-Liprin-α2 Interaction in Cerebellar Granular Cell Death in MICPCH Syndrome. Cells, 1177.
362623161:1000McSweeney, D., et al. 2022. CASK Loss of Function Differentially Regulates Neuronal Maturation and Synaptic Function in Human Induced Cortical Excitatory Neurons. iScience, 105187.
34758294not listedWang, J., et al. 2021. RTN4/NoGo-receptor binding to BAI adhesion-GPCRs regulates neuronal development. Cell, 5869-5885.
32552840not listedHan, K.A., et al. 2020. Receptor Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Delta Is Not Essential for Synapse Maintenance or Transmission at Hippocampal Synapses. Molecular Brain, 94.
32516721not listedHan, K.A., et al. 2020. PTPσ Controls Presynaptic Organization of Neurotransmitter Release Machinery at Excitatory Synapses. iScience, 101203.
322024991:1000Zhang, R.S., et al. 2020. Latrophilin-2 and latrophilin-3 are redundantly essential for parallel-fiber synapse function in cerebellum. Elife, e54443.
321605541:1000De Rossi, P., et al. 2020. Neuronal BIN1 Regulates Presynaptic Neurotransmitter Release and Memory Consolidation. Cell Reports, 3520-3535.e7.
321345271:1000Luo, F., et al. 2020. Neurexins cluster Ca 2+ channels within the presynaptic active zone. EMBO Journal, e103208.
319854011:1000Sclip, A. , et al. 2020. LAR receptor phospho-tyrosine phosphatases regulate NMDA-receptor responses. Elife, e53406.
319854011:1000Sclip, A. , et al. 2020. LAR receptor phospho-tyrosine phosphatases regulate NMDA-receptor responses. Elife, e53406.
31745231not listedHan KA, et al. 2019. Slitrk2 controls excitatory synapse development via PDZ-mediated protein interactions. Scientific Reports, 17094.
312627251:1000Trotter, J.H., et al. 2019. Synaptic neurexin-1 assembles into dynamically regulated active zone nanoclusters. Journal of Cell Biology, 2677-2698.
312627251:1000Trotter, J.H., et al. 2019. Synaptic neurexin-1 assembles into dynamically regulated active zone nanoclusters. Journal of Cell Biology, 2677-2698.
30451289not listedVaden, J.H., et al. 2019. Chronic over-expression of ubiquitin impairs learning, reduces synaptic plasticity, and enhances GRIA receptor turnover in mice. Journal of Neurochemistry, 386-399.
30586380not listedFavaro, P.D., et al. 2018. An opposing function of paralogs in balancing developmental synapse maturation. Plos Biology, e2006838.
293704051:1000Bathala, P., et al. 2018. Oviductal extracellular vesicles (oviductosomes, OVS) are conserved in humans: murine OVS play a pivotal role in sperm capacitation and fertility. Molecular Human Reproduction, 143-157.
277204441:1000Nafzger, S., et al. 2017. Calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase CASK modulates the L-type calcium current. Cell Calcium, 10-21.
27036546not listedSrivastava, S., et al. 2016. X-linked intellectual disability gene CASK regulates postnatal brain growth in a non-cell autonomous manner. Acta Neuropathol Commun, .
260856241:2000Tindi, J.O., et al. 2015. ANKS1B Gene Product AIDA-1 Controls Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission by Regulating GluN2B Subunit Localization.. Journal of Neuroscience, 8986-96.
259048041:1000Fernandes, H.B., et al. 2015. Epac2 Mediates cAMP-Dependent Potentiation of Neurotransmission in the Hippocampus.. Journal of Neuroscience, 6544-53.
247955611:1000Lugo, J.N., et al. 2014. Deletion of PTEN produces autism-like behavioral deficits and alterations in synaptic proteins.. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 27.
24448406not listedLi, Q., et al. 2014. The splicing regulator PTBP2 controls a program of embryonic splicing required for neuronal maturation.. Elife, e01201.
236993881:1000Patel, R., et al. 2013. Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4 in murine epididymis: secretion of splice variants in the luminal fluid and a role in sperm maturation.. Biology of Reproduction, 6.
232093031:1000Cheadle, L., et al. 2012. The novel synaptogenic protein Farp1 links postsynaptic cytoskeletal dynamics and transsynaptic organization.. The Journal of Biology, 985-1001.
220204161:300Aravindan, R.G., et al. 2012. CASK interacts with PMCA4b and JAM-A on the mouse sperm flagellum to regulate Ca2+ homeostasis and motility.. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 3138-50.
211450031:1000Robbins, E.M., et al. 2010. SynCAM 1 adhesion dynamically regulates synapse number and impacts plasticity and learning.. Neuron, 894-906.
Western Blot: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
29934346not listedHan, K.A., et al. 2018. PTPσ Drives Excitatory Presynaptic Assembly via Various Extracellular and Intracellular Mechanisms. Journal of Neuroscience, 6700-6721.
27364017not listedEichel, C.A., et al. 2016. Lateral Membrane-Specific MAGUK CASK Down-Regulates NaV1.5 Channel in Cardiac Myocytes. Circulation Research, 544-56.
23622064not listedBoyken, J., et al. 2013. Molecular profiling of synaptic vesicle docking sites reveals novel proteins but few differences between glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses.. Neuron, 285-97.
203684311:1000Stagi, M., et al. 2010. SynCAM 1 participates in axo-dendritic contact assembly and shapes neuronal growth cones.. PNAS: USA, 7568-73.
Additional Publications: Unspecified
PMID Publication
26496923Kamijo, A., et al. 2016. Immunohistochemical study of the membrane skeletal protein, membrane protein palmitoylated 6 (MPP6), in the mouse small intestine.. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 81-92.
25123431Anjum, R., et al. 2014. Differential synaptic distribution of the scaffold proteins Cask and Caskin1 in the bovine retina.. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 19-29.
24259518Dagley, L.F., et al. 2014. Quantitative proteomic profiling reveals novel region-specific markers in the adult mouse brain. Proteomics, 241-61.
23791195Wentzel, C., et al. 2013. mSYD1A, a mammalian synapse-defective-1 protein, regulates synaptogenic signaling and vesicle docking.. Neuron, 1012-23.
19620977Jeyifous, O., et al. 2009. SAP97 and CASK mediate sorting of NMDA receptors through a previously unknown secretory pathway. Nature Neuroscience, 1011-9.
19022416Klemmer, P., et al. 2009. Proteomics analysis of immuno-precipitated synaptic protein complexes.. Journal of Proteomics, 82-90.
18076030Wahlin, K.J., et al. 2008. Molecular dynamics of photoreceptor synapse formation in the developing chick retina.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 822-37.

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