Magic Red Cathepsin B Components in Kit 938

We are excited to share a publication from researchers using our Magic Red Cathepsin B Assay Kit.

iPSCs from a Hibernator Provide a Platform for Studying Cold Adaptation and Its Potential Medical Applications

Cathepsins are house-keeping proteases primarily localized and active within lysosomes. Elevated cathepsin enzyme activity levels within serum or extracellular matrix regions is often indicative of a variety of clinically significant pathologies.

ICT offers three different preferred-specificity, Magic Red kits. Each preferred specificity cathepsin B, K, and L detection kit contains the preferred dipeptide targeting sequences for the respective B, K, or L cathepsin enzymes.

Researchers used the Magic Red Cathepsin B Assay Kit from ImmunoChemistry Technologies for live cell imaging of lysosomes. The Magic Red substrate in this assay fluoresces red upon cleavage by active cathepsin enzymes. This kit is used to quantitate and monitor intracellular cathepsin-B activity over time in vitro, and the fluorescent signal can be analyzed using fluorescence microscopy or a fluorescence plate reader.

Also used in this research was Chicken Polyclonal Anti-GFP from our sister company, Aves Labs. Aves Labs is the leader in high-affinity, custom chicken IgY and other immunoreagents for biomedical research and antibody manufacturing. Survival of hypothermia (< 10°C) by hibernating mammals without sustaining bodily injury and organ failure is an extraordinary achievement with potential clinical applications. However, mechanisms underlying cold tolerance at hibernation-like temperatures remain unclear. Working with the first induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from a hibernating mammal (13-lined ground squirrel), researchers here revealed key cellular pathways that impart cold resistance. Unlike the ground squirrel, cold-exposed human iPSC-derived neurons experienced mitochondrial stress, leading to runaway reactive oxygen species production and lysosomal membrane permeabilization, causing microtubule damage.

cold induced lysosomal membrane permeabilization using Magic Red

Treatments targeting these pathways allowed human iPSC-neurons and rat (a non-hibernator) retinal tissues to acquire cold-resistant features. Moreover, these same treatments prevented cold-stored kidneys from microtubule and other damage, demonstrating the potential clinical utility for increasing shelf-life of organ transplants.

Jingxing Ou, John M. Ball, Yizhao Luan, Zhi Xie, Barbara S. Mallon, Wei Li. iPSCs from a Hibernator Provide a Platform for Studying Cold Adaptation and Potential Medical Applications. Cell 173, 851-863. May 3, 2018.

Magic Red Cathepsin B Kit from ImmunoChemistry Technologies

Magic Red Cathepsin B Assay Kit (937,938)

Cell viabilityCitations