Anti-Pan-Shank Antibody (N23B/49)

Our Anti-Pan-Shank mouse monoclonal primary antibody from NeuroMab is produced in-house from hybridoma clone N23B/49. It detects human, mouse, and rat Pan-Shank, and is purified by Protein A chromatography. It is great for use in IHC, ICC, IP, WB.

SKU: 75-089

Volume: 100 µL
1-2 business days
Sale price$329.00

Product Specific References for Applications and Species

Immunocytochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
229227121:400Ricciardi,S., et al. 2012. CDKL5 ensures excitatory synapse stability by reinforcing NGL-1-PSD95 interaction in the postsynaptic compartment and is impaired in patient iPSC-derived neurons. Nature cell biology, 911-923.
219269701:400Fogel, A., et al. 2011. Lateral assembly of the immunoglobulin protein SynCAM 1 controls its adhesive function and instructs synapse formation. The EMBO journal, 4728-4738.
Immunocytochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
21813652not listedYoon, S., et al. 2020. Usp9X Controls Ankyrin-Repeat Domain Protein Homeostasis during Dendritic Spine Development. Neuron, 506-521.
279869281:500Lee, S.J., et al. 2017. Presynaptic Neuronal Pentraxin Receptor Organizes Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1062-1080.
247129941:100Lussier, M., et al. 2014. Casein kinase 2 phosphorylates GluA1 and regulates its surface expression. The European journal of neuroscience, 1148-1158.
237198051:400Hoy, J., et al. 2013. Neuroligin1 drives synaptic and behavioral maturation through intracellular interactions. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 9364-9384.
232093031:500Cheadle, L., et al. 2012. The novel synaptogenic protein Farp1 links postsynaptic cytoskeletal dynamics and transsynaptic organization. The Journal of cell biology, 985-1001.
21123580not listedMalinverno, M., et al. 2010. Synaptic localization and activity of ADAM10 regulate excitatory synapses through N-cadherin cleavage. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 16343-16655.
206963802ug/mlSharma, N., et al. 2010. Long-distance control of synapse assembly by target-derived NGF. Neuron, 422-434.
20660256not listedMoreau, M., et al. 2010. The planar polarity protein Scribble1 is essential for neuronal plasticity and brain function. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 9738-9752.
Immunocytochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
386604661:100Chen, Y, et al. 2024. Rapid sequential clustering of NMDARs, CaMKII, and AMPARs upon activation of NMDARs at developing synapses. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 1291262.
36847487not listedSong, J.M., et al. 2023. Deneddylating Enzyme SENP8 Regulates Neuronal Development. Journal of Neurochemistry, .
359660096.25ug/mlDean, C.A., et al. 2022. Regulation of NMDA Receptor Signaling at Single Synapses by Human Anti-NMDA Receptor Antibodies. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 940005.
29429936not listedMatt, L., et al. 2018. α-Actinin Anchors PSD-95 at Postsynaptic Sites. Neuron, 1094-1109.
27307232not listedYokoi ,N., et al. 2016. Identification of PSD-95 Depalmitoylating Enzymes. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 6431-6444.
26675527not listedLee, N., et al. 2016. Hexa (ethylene glycol) derivative of benzothiazole aniline promotes dendritic spine formation through the RasGRF1-Ras dependent pathway. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 284-295.
265478311:400MacGillavry, H., et al. 2016. Shank-cortactin interactions control actin dynamics to maintain flexibility of neuronal spines and synapses. The European journal of neuroscience, 179-193.
266799931:200Stanic, J., et al. 2015. Rabphilin 3A retains NMDA receptors at synaptic sites through interaction with GluN2A/PSD-95 complex. Nature Communications, 10181.
22328515not listedGardoni, F., et al. 2012. The neuropeptide PACAP38 induces dendritic spine remodeling through ADAM10-N-cadherin signaling pathway. The Journal of cell science, 1401-1406.
21795692not listedVerpelli, C., et al. 2011. Importance of Shank3 protein in regulating metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) expression and signaling at synapses. The Journal of biological chemistry, 34839-34850.
203382261:100Westerholz, S., et al. 2010. Regulation of early spontaneous network activity and GABAergic neurons development by thyroid hormone. Neuroscience, 573-589.
20220006not listedPerez de Arce, K., et al. 2010. Synaptic clustering of PSD-95 is regulated by c-Abl through tyrosine phosphorylation. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 3728-3738.
20164337not listedZibetti, C., et al. 2010. Alternative splicing of the histone demethylase LSD1/KDM1 contributes to the modulation of neurite morphogenesis in the mammalian nervous system. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2521-2532.
201189251:200Suh, Y.H., et al. 2010. A neuronal role for SNAP-23 in postsynaptic glutamate receptor trafficking. Nature neuroscience, 338-343.
ImmunoGold Labeling: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
271443021:250Tao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2016. Zinc Stabilizes Shank3 at the Postsynaptic Density of Hippocampal Synapses. PLoS one, e0153979.
ImmunoGold Labeling: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
322381931:200Tao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2020. Activity-dependent redistribution of CaMKII in the postsynaptic compartment of hippocampal neurons. Molecular brain, 53.
29284046not listedDosemeci, A., et al. 2017. IRSp53 accumulates at the postsynaptic density under excitatory conditions. PLoS one, e0190250.
257754681:250Tao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2015. Differential distribution of Shank and GKAP at the postsynaptic density. PLoS one, e0118750.
24952157not listedTao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2014. NMDA-induced accumulation of Shank at the postsynaptic density is mediated by CaMKII. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 808-811.
203470151:200, 1:1000Tao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2010. Activity induced changes in the distribution of Shanks at hippocampal synapses. Neuroscience, 11-17.
201189251:200Suh, Y.H., et al. 2010. A neuronal role for SNAP-23 in postsynaptic glutamate receptor trafficking. Nature neuroscience, 338-343.
Immunohistochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
205731811:1000Pham, E., et al. 2010. Progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta oligomers in Alzheimer's disease and in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice is accompanied by selective alterations in synaptic scaffold proteins. The FEBS journal, 3051-3067.
Immunohistochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
25524173not listedSerrano, F., et al. 2014. Andrographolide reduces cognitive impairment in young and mature AβPPswe/PS-1 mice. Molecular neurodegeneration, 61.
253527481:400Belem de Andrade, G., et al. 2014. Developmentally dynamic colocalization patterns of DSCAM with adhesion and synaptic proteins in the mouse retina. Molecular vision, 1422-1433.
206963802ug/mlSharma, N., et al. 2010. Long-distance control of synapse assembly by target-derived NGF. Neuron, 422-434.
20660256not listedMoreau, M., et al. 2010. The planar polarity protein Scribble1 is essential for neuronal plasticity and brain function. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 9738-9752.
205731811:1000Pham, E., et al. 2010. Progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta oligomers in Alzheimer's disease and in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice is accompanied by selective alterations in synaptic scaffold proteins. The FEBS journal, 3051-3067.
Probe QMI: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
34852231not listedLautz, J., et al. 2021. Synaptic protein interaction networks encode experience by assuming stimulus-specific and brain-region-specific states. Cell reports, 110076.
Western Blot: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
20980075not listedMarcello, E., et al. 2012. SAP97-mediated local trafficking is altered in Alzheimer disease patients' hippocampus. Neurobiology of aging, 422.e1-10.
205731811:1000Pham, E., et al. 2010. Progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta oligomers in Alzheimer's disease and in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice is accompanied by selective alterations in synaptic scaffold proteins. The FEBS journal, 3051-3067.
Western Blot: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
35966008not listedYoo, T., et al. 2022. A Deficiency of the Psychiatric Risk Gene DLG2/PSD-93 Causes Excitatory Synaptic Deficits in the Dorsolateral Striatum. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 938590.
356623941:1000Dhume, S.H., et al. 2022. Distinct but overlapping roles of LRRTM1 and LRRTM2 in developing and mature hippocampal circuits. eLife, e64742.
353680731:10 (supe)Wang, T., et al. 2022. Sapap4 deficiency leads to postsynaptic defects and abnormal behaviors relevant to hyperkinetic neuropsychiatric disorder in mice. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), bhac123.
319854011:1000Sclip, A., et al. 2020. LAR receptor phospho-tyrosine phosphatases regulate NMDA-receptor responses. eLife, e53406.
21813652not listedYoon, S., et al. 2020. Usp9X Controls Ankyrin-Repeat Domain Protein Homeostasis during Dendritic Spine Development. Neuron, 506-521.
276637421:1000Sawicka, K., et al. 2016. Elevated ERK/p90 ribosomal S6 kinase activity underlies audiogenic seizure susceptibility in fragile X mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, E6290-E6297.
25653350not listedZhang, N., et al. 2015. S-SCAM, a rare copy number variation gene, induces schizophrenia-related endophenotypes in transgenic mouse model. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1892-1904.
25524173not listedSerrano, F., et al. 2014. Andrographolide reduces cognitive impairment in young and mature AβPPswe/PS-1 mice. Molecular neurodegeneration, 61.
253527481:400Belem de Andrade, G., et al. 2014. Developmentally dynamic colocalization patterns of DSCAM with adhesion and synaptic proteins in the mouse retina. Molecular vision, 1422-1433.
247955611:1000Lugo, J., et al. 2014. Deletion of PTEN produces autism-like behavioral deficits and alterations in synaptic proteins. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 27.
237198051:1000Hoy, J., et al. 2013. Neuroligin1 drives synaptic and behavioral maturation through intracellular interactions. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 9364-9384.
225614521:2 (supe)Hu, J.H., et al. 2012. Preso1 dynamically regulates group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Nature neuroscience, 836-844.
22338020not listedQian, H., et al. 2012. β2-Adrenergic receptor supports prolonged theta tetanus-induced LTP. Journal of neurophysiology, 2703-2712.
22153079not listedPavlopoulos, E., et al. 2011. Neuralized1 activates CPEB3: a function for nonproteolytic ubiquitin in synaptic plasticity and memory storage. Cell reports, 1369-1383.
205731811:1000Pham, E., et al. 2010. Progressive accumulation of amyloid-beta oligomers in Alzheimer's disease and in amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice is accompanied by selective alterations in synaptic scaffold proteins. The FEBS journal, 3051-3067.
Western Blot: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
316330321:500Werner, C.T., et al. 2019. Ubiquitin-proteasomal regulation of chromatin remodeler INO80 in the nucleus accumbens mediates persistent cocaine craving. Science advances, eaay0351.
301436471:1000Lee, S.H., et al. 2018. Reciprocal control of excitatory synapse numbers by Wnt and Wnt inhibitor PRR7 secreted on exosomes. Nature Communications, 3434.
297355561:1000Campbell, M.K., et al. 2018. USP8 Deubiquitinates SHANK3 to Control Synapse Density and SHANK3 Activity-Dependent Protein Levels. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 5289-5301.
29429936not listedMatt, L., et al. 2018. α-Actinin Anchors PSD-95 at Postsynaptic Sites. Neuron, 1094-1109.
292840461:1000Dosemeci, A., et al. 2017. IRSp53 accumulates at the postsynaptic density under excitatory conditions. PLoS one, e0190250.
27307232not listedYokoi ,N., et al. 2016. Identification of PSD-95 Depalmitoylating Enzymes. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 6431-6444.
265478311:5000MacGillavry, H., et al. 2016. Shank-cortactin interactions control actin dynamics to maintain flexibility of neuronal spines and synapses. The European journal of neuroscience, 179-193.
263285381:20 (supe)Pinheiro, S., et al. 2016. Tau Mislocation in Glucocorticoid-Triggered Hippocampal Pathology. Molecular neurobiology, 4745-4753.
266799931:200Stanic, J., et al. 2015. Rabphilin 3A retains NMDA receptors at synaptic sites through interaction with GluN2A/PSD-95 complex. Nature Communications, 10181.
25526735not listedGill, I., et al. 2015. Presynaptic NMDA receptors - dynamics and distribution in developing axons in vitro and in vivo. Journal of cell science, 768-780.
24530450not listedTao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2014. Homer is concentrated at the postsynaptic density and does not redistribute after acute synaptic stimulation. Neuroscience, 80-90.
219610351:500Jarome, T., et al. 2011. Activity dependent protein degradation is critical for the formation and stability of fear memory in the amygdala. PLoS one, e24349.
21795692not listedVerpelli, C., et al. 2011. Importance of Shank3 protein in regulating metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) expression and signaling at synapses. The Journal of biological chemistry, 34839-34850.
203470151:200, 1:1000Tao-Cheng, J.H., et al. 2010. Activity induced changes in the distribution of Shanks at hippocampal synapses. Neuroscience, 11-17.
20220006not listedPerez de Arce, K., et al. 2010. Synaptic clustering of PSD-95 is regulated by c-Abl through tyrosine phosphorylation. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 3728-3738.
20164337not listedZibetti, C., et al. 2010. Alternative splicing of the histone demethylase LSD1/KDM1 contributes to the modulation of neurite morphogenesis in the mammalian nervous system. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2521-2532.

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