ICT Answers Your Questions!

We love hearing from you with questions regarding our products! Chances are if you are asking, others may be also!

Read below for a question regarding our Green Cathepsin B Assay:

Question: Is it necessary to predilute 1:5 in water? Can I just dilute it 1:250 into the staining solution?

Answer: It is not necessary to predilute 1:5 your 250X stock in water then perform the 1:50 dilution after but it is recommended for better solubility of the dye and ease/accuracy of pipetting in downstream serial dilution. If you wish to directly dilute your stock for 1:250, you can do so. Just remember your end goal is to reach 1X final concentration of the dye in the cell suspension.

We hope the above information is helpful!

Our technical team is ready to help if needed - if you have a question you would like answered regarding our products, please email help@immunochemistry.com.

Cell viabilityFaqs