Glycerol Fluoro Mount with PPD

Glycerol Fluorescence Mount with strong antifading agent, 1, 4-phenylenediamine (PPD) is an aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears.

SKU: AR-6511-01

Volume: 20 ml
Sale price$80.75
Glycerol Fluorescence Mount with strong antifading agent, 1, 4-phenylenediamine (PPD) is an aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears. This unique formula prevents rapid photobleaching of FITC, Texas Red, AMCA, Alexa fluoro 488, Alexa fluoro 594, tetramethyly rhodamine, and Redox. The fluorescence is retained during prolonged storage at 4oC in the dark. This medium contains phenylenediamine and is not suitable for immunofluorescence of Cy dyes, GFP, mCherry, Phycoerythrin (R-PE), phyocyanin (PC), allophycocyanin (APC) and other fluorochromes proteins.
Ready to use mounting medium with coffee color (this color does not interfere with Immunofluorescence)
Immunofluorescence, confocal microscopy
2-8 °C; Protect from light; DO NOT FREEZE
Ships overnight (domestic), International Priority Shipping
For research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures. FOR IN VITRO LABORATORY USE ONLY
United States
  1. Bring the vial to room temperature.
  2. Rinse slide to be mounted with DISTILLED OR DEIONIZED WATER, touch the edges of slide on a paper towel to remove excess water. Place slides on a flat surface away from light.
  3. Turn the vial upside down and open the dropper to remove any air bubbles.
  4. Apply 2-3 drops of mounting medium directly on top of the specimen.
  5. Let stand at room temperature for about 3-5 minutes in the dark.
  6. Apply cover slip carefully avoiding air bubbles.
  7. The specimen is ready for visualization under a microscope.
  8. One can seal the edges of cover slip with nail polish, any organic medium or our Organo mounting medium (cat. # AR-6504). If a coverslip is not sealed air bubbles will appear in few days.
  9. Method for applying Coverslip: Put 1-2 drops of Mounting medium on the specimen. After 3-4 minutes apply coverslip carefully avoiding air bubbles. Put Kimwipes on the top of coverslip, press gently to remove excess mounting medium. With 200 micropipette add organic mounting medium to seal the edges.
  10. For storage it is recommended that the slide be stored in the dark at 2-8oC.

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