Article on Cell Health in Biocompare

ICT is proud to be featured in Biocompare

Making Sure that Cells Are Healthy By Tamlyn Oliver

Cells and their culture are integral to biomedical research. The ability to reliably and efficiently assess their wellness is a critical aspect of high-quality and reproducible experimentation. Cell health measurements are used for studying the effects of drugs, cell culture monitoring and optimization, assessing stem cell differentiation, and more.

With so much riding on cell health assessments, getting it right is pretty important. So we asked six experts from companies that know a lot about cell health to share their knowledge with us to help ensure your cells and cultures are healthy and can help you achieve reliable and reproducible experimental results.

Our expert panelist include: Mike Blundell, Ph.D, Product Manager at Bio-Rad; Klaus Bischoff, Head of Research Solutions at MilliporeSigma; Pam Guthmiller, Director, Product Management, Cellular & Protein Analysis, Promega; Tracy Murphy, Director of R&D and Quality Control, ImmmunoChemistry Technologies (ICT); Robert Newman, Senior Director at ATCC Cell Systems; and Kalpana Patel, R&D Scientist at Essen BioScience (Sartorius).

Their insights, tool and methodology suggestions, and best practices are included in the following discussion. View the full article here


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